Election Percentages

Political Partys over the years in Flanders
Monarchist 2000, 67% 2010, 33% 2020, 9%
Nationalist 2000, 2% 2010, 9% 2020, 36%
Social Liberal 2000, 41% 2010, 39% 2020, 18%
Reactionary 2000, 5% 2010, 19% 2020, 37%

With the turn of the 21st centry and the outbreak of terrorism and social change we witnessed the decline of the support of the crown due to it being see as outdated to be ruled by Royals. Support is on the rise with natonalist and isolationist movements With the country on the path of civil war between these two growing groups, the social liberals have lost support due to lack of stong leaders and Corruption